Children's Liturgy

Introducing children to God's message

Children's Liturgy Information & Pages

Kids bulletin May 2024

 St Peter and St Paul's Children's Liturgy

When: During the 9:00 am Sunday mass

Through a separate Liturgy of the Word for children, we aim to introduce children of infant school age to important aspects of God’s message. We try to do this by allowing them to celebrate God’s word at their own pace, giving them the opportunity to offer their thoughts and reflections, following the pattern of normal congregational liturgy. We hope that they gain an experience of being part of a community, the parish, and the feeling that their thoughts and ideas are valued by that community. By using symbols and movements of the liturgy we try to help them discover how the Word of God has meaning in their daily lives. We hope that by offering a Children’s Liturgy of the Word, we can help support families with young children in the parish.

What happens during the Children's liturgy?

The children gather in the Church and begin the Mass with everyone else. After the Sign of the Cross and the Greeting, the Priest calls the children forward, presents them with a Bible and the adult leaders process with the children to the Hall. The children come back into church at the offertory where they display what they have done and then some of them take part in the Offertory procession.

An invitation-
We would like to extend the invitation to all children of infant school age to come and join us for Children’s Liturgy and to any adult who feels they could come along to help, you do not have to be a teacher to lead the group and will be helped with resources and training.

Contact: Debbie Flood or the Parish Priest

Enquire into St peter and St Paul's Children Liturgy group

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