Clearly, this time of disruption is worrying for all concerned, not least of all in the area of finance and job security.  We fully understand if some parishioners feel unable to give the same financial support to the parish as they have in the past during this period of uncertainty. That said, some parishioners have been asking how they can continue to contribute financially at a time when they are not attending Mass.  There are a number of alternatives.

  1. The Diocese have set up a new way to give to your parish via text message. To contribute £5 to our parish offertory, simply text Church Sandal to 70500.
  2. The red button below will take you to a Diocesan webpage on which you can easily make a one off donation which can be gift aided.
  3. Cheques can be sent to the parish office.
  4. If you have envelopes by which you contribute weekly, Feel free to put them through the parish letterbox or keep them until such a time as you return to attending Mass. New envelopes will be available in the Narthex when the church is open.
  5. If you would like to begin to pay by standing order, please click the blue button below which will take you to the form to fill out. There is also an option here to Gift Aid your regular offerings.

We do appreciate your continuing financial support during these difficult times and thank you for your faithfulness and generosity to the mission of our parish community.

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