
Gift Aid

Giving During Covid 19

Finance- Gift Aid

Helping to fund the parish

Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a scheme used by Registered Charities to reclaim tax on charitable donations. There is no extra cost to the donor. The donor must be an individual who pays UK Income or Capital Gains tax. For this purpose husbands and wives are separate donors. If the donor completes a Gift Aid Declaration the Diocese (as a Registered Charity) can reclaim basic rate tax on the recorded donations. For example, for every £1 given the tax reclaimed is (currently) 28p. Donations must be given by cash in numbered envelopes or by standing order or cheque. Loose cash in the collection plate does not count, as it cannot be traced to any particular donor.

Gift Aid forms and further information are available at the back of Church.

Planned Giving:
If a donor does not pay UK tax he/she cannot complete a Gift Aid Declaration but can still plan their contributions to the Parish by means of numbered envelopes or standing order.

For advice please contact the parish office.

Finance/gift Aid Enquiry for St Peter and St Paul's Wakefield

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